Booking Your Ceremony
As soon as you have made your booking with Bordesley Park, we suggest you contact the Registration Service on 01905 768181.
Opening hours: Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 5.00pm
Without the presence of a Superintendent Registrar and a Registrar, there can be no marriage (in the case of Civil Partnerships and Civil Partnership conversion to Marriage a Registrar) and any arrangements for the use of the venue depend entirely on their availability. It is, therefore, essential that you make an advance booking with the Registration Service for attendance of the Registrars at the proposed ceremony, as soon as a booking can be accepted.
A booking may be made up to two calendar years in advance, subject to the following:
- For ceremonies up to 12 months in advance, a non-refundable deposit of £50 is payable. This deposit is subsequently deducted from the balance due.
- For ceremonies booked between 12 and 24 calendar months in advance, a booking fee of £50, which is non-refundable, is required in addition to the non-refundable deposit.
Cost for bookings after 1st April 2019:
Mon-Thurs - £460
Fri - £490
Sat - £530
Sun - £565
Bank Holiday - £565
Good Friday / Easter Sunday / Easter Monday - £620
N.B. The above fees include one copy of the marriage/civil partnership certificate. Further copies can be obtained. The Registrar will advise on the cost of this.
Each party is required to give a separate formal notice of intention to marry or enter into a civil partnership in person at a Registration Office in the district where you live. You are required to have lived in the district for at least 8 days before giving notice. You need to include details of where you intend to marry or enter into a civil partnership.
The minimum period between giving notice and when a ceremony can take place is usually 28 clear days. The certificate for marriage, or the civil partnership schedule, will be issued on the 29th working day after giving notice and is valid for 12 months from the date the formal notice of your intention to marry or enter into a civil partnership was given. Please be aware that you cannot give notice of your intention to marry or enter into a civil partnership more than 12 months in advance of the ceremony date. However, it is a good idea to give your notices as soon as you can within this timescale.
If either of you is subject to immigration control, there will be further procedures to take before notice of marriage or civil partnership can be given. The waiting period after giving the formal notice of marriage may be extended for up to 70 days. A Designated Register Office can advise further on these procedures.
Please be aware that any arrangements made for a ceremony to take place at Bordesley Park are dependent on:-
- The attendance of the Superintendent Registrar and/or a Registrar for the Worcestershire Registration district;
- The issue of the authority or authorities for marriage/civil partnership by the Superintendent Registrar(s) to whom notice of marriage/civil partnership was given.
Please be advised that a civil marriage or civil partnership ceremony must be non-religious in nature and can only be conducted by a Deputy Superintendent Registrar. Any music, reading, words or performances which form any part of the ceremony must have no religious content and must be agreed in advance with the Registration Service.